Lexidor Catalogue

Front page 1
Table of Content 2
1.0 Safety Signage 5
1.1 Emergency Escape Plans 6
1.2 Low Location Lighting 7
1.3 Emergency Evacuation Signs 13
1.4 Lifeboat Signs 21
1.5 Life Saving & Emergency Equipment Signs 24
1.6 Fire Equipment Signs 28
1.7 Mandatory Signs 40
1.8 Warning Signs 44
1.9 Prohibition Signs 48
1.10 Garbage & Recycling Signs 51
1.11 Traffic Signs - Marine 54
1.12 ISPS Signs 57
1.13 Instructions 58
1.14 Combination Signs 65
1.15 Machinery Alarm Signs 69
1.16 CLP 71
1.17 IMDG 73
2.0 Marking 77
2.1 Ventilation Signs 78
2.2 Valves & Pumps Signs 82
2.3 Pipe Markings 84
2.4 Vehicles 90
2.5 Electrical/Panels 94
3.0 Public Signage 95
3.1 Ship 96
3.2 Real estate 98
3.3 Industry 101
3.4 Office 102
3.5 Accessability 104
3.5.1 Contrast Markings 105
3.5.2 Braille/Tactile Signs 107
3.6 Engraving 111
3.7 Concept Signs 112
3.8 LED Graphic 114
4.0 Decorative Film 118
4.1 Interior Vinyl 119
4.2 Digital Printing Vinyl 120
4.3 Wrapping 121
4.4.1 Glass Graphic Decoration 122
4.4.2 Sun Control Window Film 123
4.4.3 Safety & Security Film 124
5.0 Design 125
5.1 Graphic Design 127
5.2 Image Development Service 127
5.3 Branding 128
5.4 Manuals 129
5.5 Design of Instructions 129
6.0 Project Management 130
6.1.1 Marine Ship Plans 132
6.1.2 Survey & Inspection of Drawings/Sign Systems 132
6.1.3 Calculations 132
6.1.4 Rule & Regulations Support 132
6.1.5 Archiving 132
6.2.1 Ritningar 133
6.2.2 Analyser 133
6.2.3 Regel - Support 133
6.2.4 Akrivering 133
6.2.5 Bygglov 133
6.3 Ship Plans 134
6.4 Support System for Safety Oragnisation 136
7.0 Mounting 139
7.1 Mounting Services 140
7.2 Waste Management 141
7.3 Mounting Material 142
8.0 LLL Measurement 144
8.1 Approved Service Supplier 145