Lexidor Catalogue

© 2024 Lexidor AB Made in Sweden SVCH/REACH. Based on our supplier's declarations we can confirm that this product/s does neither contain any substances in a concentration greater than 0.1 weight-% listed in the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) published by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA). Recycling A (Aluminium sign) - Classed as metal packaging and returned for recycling. E (Engraved) - Classed as rigid plastic packaging and returned for recycling. RoHS The product does not contain any substances in a concentration above the maximum permitted concentrations defined in Annex of Directive 2011/65/EU as amended. Emergency Bilge Pump 323-110-A 323-110-E 323-110-F 150x50mm 150x50mm 150x50mm Remote Control Fuel Oil Valves 323-111-A 323-111-E 323-111-F 150x50mm 150x50mm 150x50mm Remote Control Lube Oil Valves 323-112-A 323-112-E 323-112-F 150x50mm 150x50mm 150x50mm Remote Control Fire Pump Valves 323-113-A 323-113-E 323-113-F 150x50mm 150x50mm 150x50mm Fire Main Section Valve 323-114-A 323-114-E 323-114-F 150x50mm 150x50mm 150x50mm Section Valve Sprinkler 323-115-A 323-115-E 323-115-F 150x50mm 150x50mm 150x50mm Section Valve Powder 323-116-A 323-116-E 323-116-F 150x50mm 150x50mm 150x50mm Section Valve Foam 323-117-A 323-117-E 323-117-F 150x50mm 150x50mm 150x50mm